Serving Hot Springs, MT, since 1935.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below you will find some of our most frequently asked questions. If you have any suggestions or additional questions that you feel should be here, please let us know!


We do not offer Internet service without a phone line. You can purchase unbundled Internet service plans, however, these still require a phone service.
Absolutely! If you bring your own modem, we require that the modem be capable of ADSL/VDSL standard if you are connecting via DSL. If you are a wireless Internet customer, any ethernet router should work with our service. We can also configure these devices for you. Please note, however, we will charge a one time $10 fee if we are required to make changes to your device.
We're glad you asked! Our outside plant technicians are working hard to put fiber in the ground throughout our town. We ask that you please be patient, however, as our technicians must also respond to trouble calls and normal maintenance duties in addition to doing our fiber work. If you'd like to know more about where we're at with the Hot Springs fiber project, check out our news post here.
xDSL Internet modems utilize the same phone line as your telephone. The phone filter allows the DSL signal and your normal voice telephone signal to coexist on the same line. For each phone you connect to a wall jack in your house, you will need a phone filter. If you don't have a phone filter / adequate number of filters for your lines, you will most likely hear heavy static or snow on your line when making phone calls. You will also likely experience Internet issues.
Monday: 9 am to 12 pm, 1 pm to 5 pm
Tuesday: 9 am to 12 pm, 1 pm to 5 pm
Wednesday: 9 am to 12 pm, 1 pm to 5 pm
Thursday: 9 am to 12 pm, 1 pm to 5 pm
Friday: 9 am to 12 pm *Closed on major holidays
Payment is due before the 15th of each month. Any payment made after 5pm on the 14th is considered late.
Absolutely! You will need to create an account on our online payment portal. You will also need a copy of your recent bill, so that you can locate an Invoice Number. See the following image for an example of where to find this number:
We do accept all major debit and credit cards except American Express.
Yes, we can set up an autopay on a credit card or debit card, but the date is not flexible. Autopay accounts are processed on the 1st of each month. You can also set this up yourself on online payment portal.
Yes. Any payment made over the amount due will be carried over as credit and applied to your next bill.
Information regarding your account, including how much is due, will only be divulged to individual(s) who are listed on the account. A photo ID or account password will be asked to confirm the individual does match the name you have given prior permission to.
You can have your service placed on vacation up to 6 months. Monthly bill will be less and having your service on vacation will keep your listing in the Hot Springs Telephone Company directory.